Saturday, April 2, 2016


The summer months are always associated with beaches and vacations spent out of town or out of  the country. Some of us plan on it months before it take place because it is a time when one get to unwind for days, sometimes for months and when one yearn for those unhurried and quiet moments spent alone or with family and friends. It is also the best time to attend family gatherings and  reunions, where we reconnect ourselves to the people who have been a part of our lives and where we reminisce those good old  days, when life was simple and less complicated.

A couple of months ago, a friend from the running community posted an event in facebook where I immediately became interested. It was a Zumba Event organized by the Malate Catholic School of Class 1978 and they are inviting not just the students or alumni of the said school but anybody who love and enjoy dancing the Zumba. When I learned that the event was to raise funds for the construction of the Malate Catholic School's Centennial Gymnasium, I told my friend that I might join them on April 30th which will be the date when the Zumbathon will be held.


 There are two  ways on how to register.


Don't you think the shirts are cool to the eyes?



So if you  have nothing to do  on April 30th, come and join the ZUMBATHON For  A Cause.  Not only do you get to  dance and exercise but you will end your day with a smile  knowing you were able to help while getting fit at the same time.

For inquiries, you can email or visit their event page at