Thursday, April 21, 2016


I  went for a short run to Bonifacio Global City last night. My original plan was to join the Nike Running Club where I registered.  It usually take me 30 minutes to run from St. John Bosco Church to BGC, however last night my pace was a bit slower because some commuters prefered to walk due to the traffic. Since I was not familiar where the Nike Running Club was held, I arrived late and when I found out where they were training, the first lapse already started. So I decided to walk around until I heard some loud music at the BGC Amphitheater. And that was where I found out about the COSMO MOVE IT event. 

I went asked around to confirm if it was a free registration event. When they said yes, they immediately asked me to sign up then gave me my loot which was a bag of Belo Essentials & a shirt that I could wear for the evening's activities. I gladly thanked them and went to the nearest restroom to change in a hurry so I could still join the free Body Jam exercise that already started.

For the next thirty minutes, I danced like nobody was watching. It had been months since the last time I had danced and I am glad that I still have the endurance for it. There were two dance instructors on stage and after the Body Jam workout, it was followed by a Hip Hop class. Talked about hardcore workout for an hour. 

I had enjoyed every minute of the workout for the whole hour. I almost forgot that I live in Pasay which was roughly 6KM away. Since I only ate two servings of veggies before I left, I decided to reserve the remaining energy I had & just walk along McKinley Road on my home. So before the next set of activities started, I excused myself and made a short visit to the different booths on the venue. I also made sure that I have my photo taken as a souvenir.


I know that my face was devoid of makeup and somewhat glistened with sweat. But what to do you expect from someone who run 5KM, danced the Body Jam & joined the Hip hop class afterwards?  I am not the type of person who apologize because I sweat after a good run or great workout. Sweating is the body's way to eliminate the toxins that needed to be flushed that is why one feels very light after a good exercise. Besides, I am grateful that I still find time for fitness, have the endurance to move fast and sweat it all out in the process. Which made me realize that I made the right decision in going out last evening and run in BGC. Despite the hot weather, an ordinary evening turned memorable because  I was able to join the COSMO MOVE IT event.

To Summit Media, Belo Essentials and the sponsors of the COSMO After Office Hours Work Out Party, congratulations for a job well done !