Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Free Zumba Party Events In SM SUPERMALLS

A lot of people may be wondering how I get to spend the time and learn about the upcoming Zumba events especially the ones that are free. Resourcefulness, creativity and  discipline all played a big part in doing so simply because once you are passionate in a certain idea, a sport or what ever you believed in, you will always find ways to do it and even take the next step by inspiring others on how it all started and share what can be gained from it all.

Way back May 2007, I had handled a gym membership account which was the first of its kind in the Philippines. I was part of the Retention Team whose task was mainly retaining customers before they finally decide to terminate their contracts. That was when I first heard of ZUMBA which was already gaining recognition not only in the US but in other parts of the world as well. I was not really interested because my life was not that toxic then and perhaps because when our company had a sports fest in BGC, I had joined a hip hop class and wall climbed which I had finished with no difficulty and took that as a hint that I was still fit and healthy. It was when I decided to move to a financial account that things started to become different. I had learned the hard way that it was not just the account per se that was challenging but the metrics and schedules as well.That was also the time I started to blog which became a creative outlet until I joined my first fun run and met a team mate who used to be a gym buff and was slowly starting to spend time again getting fit. That was when we started heading for BGC after our shift and even agreed to meet during weekends. Needless to say, this team mate of mine became my fitness buddy.

When a free Zumba Class had been held at our company's Game Room two years ago, my buddy and I both joined even if that would mean we have to wait for another hour after our shift. That was officially my first Zumba class and there I had learned that the steps were not really challenging and because I had started to have an active lifestyle, I had the stamina to finish it still wanting for more. Not only that, during rainy days where I could not run and joined the aero class at the park I get to do the Zumba at home instead. Since I wanted to know more about it so I could share it with others, that prompted me to write a post about how it all started and even added a video where the Colombian dancer,choreographer and fitness instructor Alberto"Beto"Perez who discovered Zumba was in it. 

Since then, I have looked for ways on how I could dance the Zumba and grab the chance each time my schedule permits. I have browsed social networking sites such as facebook which have helped a lot in getting updated about the upcoming events that are accessible and more importantly, ones that are free and will not cost you a hefty amount to join. So far I had been very lucky and met a few ZINs or Zumba instructors along the way and I feel it is about time to share this great chance of getting fit by just simply going to the nearest SM Supermall near you. It may be just less than a month before school starts but we all are in a lucky treat because some of the events will extend until June.

So for all Zumba enthusiasts or those who are simply curious what the fuss is all about, click your mouse and visit Sharmaine Templado's website who is a Licensed Zumba Fitness Instructor. Head on the Events Section  and brace yourself for all the free Zumba parties that you can join. Below are just a sample of them. 

 ZIN  Shari with her ZIN sister Lal will be at the SM MOA events 

These are just some of the awesome events heading your way which are available almost every day until the second week of June. So why don't you do yourself a favor and meet your friends, bring your families or if you want simply observe but do not hesitate to join in and do some dancing and grooving as you start your way to heath and fitness by getting a taste of Zumba , all the way. 

It pays to get updated so every now and then , visit  facebook or twitter to learn about upcoming free Zumba Events in SM Supermalls near you.