Monday, May 19, 2014

Celebrating Mother's Day At SM Aura Premier's MOMS LIVE.LOVE.PARTY

More than a week ago, my two daughters, Selena & Sidney have joined me  at SM Aura Premier in celebrating Mother's Day at the MOMS LIVE.LOVE.PARTY  which was a Zumba Fitness Party event dedicated not just for moms but for the other members of the family as well. We arrived at the SAMSUNG HALL before 10 am and the very pretty Zin Krisitie Bonifacio immediately met us before we got registered. Since she was busy talking with the other Zumba enthusiasts, I only got to introduce my daughters and sadly we did not have the chance to grab a picture with her. My autistic daughter Sidney was so excited to register and get inside because it will be her first time to attend a Zumba party. So when we  got our tickets together with our loot bags, I immediately reminded her to thank and greet the kind woman "A Happy Mother's Day" which was reciprocated by a warm smile and the same Mother's Day greeting as well.

before the party started

Once we were inside the Samsung Hall, a gift giving to some kids from Quezon City coming from Mrs. Globe Philippines and Solane which were some of the sponsors for the event was being made. There was also a short game where the contestants of Mrs Globe Philippines also joined. I thought then that they were just there for the gift giving but when Zin Madelle Paltu-Ob, the party's host acknowledge their presence and mentioned that they will be joining the Zumba Party, that explained why they were dressed in comfy clothes and rubber shoes. What more, their respective husbands and kids were there to join the party which was going to be a 90 minute work out. So when the stage was all set, the dancing and the grooving had begun.

With my daughters, Sidney and Selena

There were five pairs of Mother/daughter team and one Mother/son team on the stage who served as instructors for the whole 90 minute party.The audience also got to know Mrs. Florian Enriquez who was the sexy and fit mom to both Madelle and Kristie. We also learned that it was Florian's birthday the day before and even sang her a short Happy birthday before the party ended. It was great seeing all the Moms dance together with their kids. Of course, my kids got to join me as well on the dance floor that is why we only had very few pictures to share from the event. Besides it was not really easy catching one's breath in a non stop Zumba party just to grab some pictures. 

On the Dance Floor 

Into the Groove

Just enough time to wipe one's sweat before the next routine

Did I stop and take a short break in between the dancing and the grooving? Of course not. When I am dancing or even while running I do not bring a towel. A bottle of water or energy drink is enough to keep me going. Besides I find it hard to catch up with the dance steps once I stop. Good thing SM Aura provided extra bottles of water and another giant fan to cool up the place because we could no longer feel that we were in an air conditioned auditorium. We just got lost with all the dancing, that even some of the dads joined us as well and we did not even notice that the 90 minute party was nearing its end. 

To say that I had enjoyed myself was an understatement and I have a feeling such event will have a repeat performance next year. Heck, it would be great if it is going to be a yearly thing. Every body especially Moms deserve  some dancing and grooving each time they get a chance. It is a great way to de stress and get fit as well. Moreover, it is one creative way where you can bond with your families and spend Mother's differently, just what like I did.

The LIVE LOVE PARTY is visiting other parts of the country to share the love and promote the benefits of Zumba, making it accessible and affordable for  everybody. For updates please visit their facebook page or follow them at You might be surprised that the next town or city that they will visit happens to be yours. So what are you waiting for? Join us as we LIVE. LOVE. PARTY !