Monday, April 25, 2016


With Mother's Day just around the corner, lots of events, promos and giveaways can be seen, read and heard almost anywhere. And being a Mom, I am one of those who look forward in taking advantage of each one of them, hoping that I may be lucky enough to be chosen as one of the winners. And one of those that I look forward to attend is HUNT & GATHER'S STRONG MOMS MOTHER'S DAY FESTIVAL. SOURCE The STRONG MOMS MOTHER'S DAY FESTIVAL is a NUTRITION...

Saturday, April 23, 2016

How To Nail That Sub1 10K Race In Your Forties (My PinoyFitness Sub1 10K Story)

When was the last time you have accepted a challenge knowing the odds were against you? What prompted you that made you stick to your decision and push through with it? To some of us who excelled in academics, the arts, journalism, sports or even in beauty contests, a lot of preparation and practice is done just to make sure we get that had earned medal or trophy even. It will be an added bonus if we get some cash prizes or additional freebies. Now...

Thursday, April 21, 2016


I  went for a short run to Bonifacio Global City last night. My original plan was to join the Nike Running Club where I registered.  It usually take me 30 minutes to run from St. John Bosco Church to BGC, however last night my pace was a bit slower because some commuters prefered to walk due to the traffic. Since I was not familiar where the Nike Running Club was held, I arrived late and when I found out where they were training, the first...

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

List of Swimming Schools for Special Needs Kids in the Philippines

I have three kids with special needs. They are already in their teens but to me, they will always be kids at heart. They are active, stubborn & unconventional. All three of them love to eat veggies and fruits. They also love the water, not necessarily swimming but they love tho take baths and the calming sound they hear from running water. Though not one of them learned how to swim, I do plan on having them take swimming lessons in the future....

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Tips For Staying Cool In Surviving The Hot Summer

I am so freaking HOT & I know I am stating the obvious. I did not mean that figuratively though, but at times I could be HOT without me knowing it. I have my moments too. But  to say that it is so hot is such an understatement, not only during summer but even in those months when we expect the weather to be a bit cold, at least.  The weather had become so fickle and we have no choice but learn to survive. With that being said,...

Thursday, April 14, 2016

How Can We Prevent Diabates

To those who have been following my posts about Diabetes, I do hope you are still with me and not starting to get overwhelmed with too much information. Part of the reason why I shy away with these kind of posts is the fact that there are certain information that I honestly am not familiar and at times conflicting. There are also instances that boredom strikes especially if I find the explanation too medical. That is why I allotted ample time to...

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Three years ago, I met a Zumba instructor who visited CONVERGYS as part of Gold's Gym marketing promotion. It was also the company's way of introducing Zumba and encouraging  the employees to find time for fitness. My colleague, Malou and I were active weekend Zumba members then at the BGC park so when we learned and saw the event's poster at the hallway walls, we did not think twice in signing up even if that meant joining the Zumba...

Thursday, April 7, 2016

What We Need To Know About Diabetes (Part 2)

In my previous post, I have shared about my Mom's battle with diabetes and how my family, hopefully learned from it. We are continuously learning as my Mom continue with her fight.   Based on research and on numerous readings about the illness, I have learned that all of us are not immune to it, even young children. Since prevention is better than cure, it is best to be well informed so as not to experience its repercussions later on. In...

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

What We Need To Know About Diabetes (Part 1)

Most of us have the misconception that diabetes is the result of eating too much sweets. Sadly I used to be one of those who thought it was. I usually stop when I read articles about it because of too much information like glucose, insulin and Type 1 & 2 Diabetes. I am one of those typical people who loose interest because I felt it is too medical and that there is someone who could explain it better for me. That had changed when we found out...

Saturday, April 2, 2016


The summer months are always associated with beaches and vacations spent out of town or out of  the country. Some of us plan on it months before it take place because it is a time when one get to unwind for days, sometimes for months and when one yearn for those unhurried and quiet moments spent alone or with family and friends. It is also the best time to attend family gatherings and  reunions, where we reconnect ourselves to the people...