Monday, April 21, 2014

MILO APEX Running School Season 8

Question. In your opinion is there a proper way on how to run ? Isn't running one of the basic things we have learned since childhood, like walking or standing, even sitting properly ? Fact of the matter is not everybody will agree or perhaps even aware that at times we tend to forget how to do it the right way. Like standing or even sitting for instance, we tend to slouch maybe because we are tired, just plain lazy or bored. Same thing when we are walking. I can attest to that because I had the tendency to slouch when I was a kid, a habit that took years to break. I can also say the same thing when it came to running because a few days after I had joined my first fun run, I had felt the slight pain in my shins and when I asked about my colleagues who joined the run as well, they told me that perhaps I was doing it the wrong way.

Say that again ?

At first I could not believe that there is indeed a proper way to run. It maybe that I had not ran for a long time and was not just really prepared when I took the plunge. Nevertheless that slight pain on my shins which stayed for a couple of days still worried me. If I plan on running more in the future, then I should learn how to properly do it to avoid injuries. Good thing, running camps had started to become popular not only to prepare and educate beginners but also to help them avoid possible injuries in the future.

Now one of the well known Running Schools just recently announced its opening registration to the public. I am referring to the MILO APEX Running School Season 8.

Known for being the country's biggest and full program scientific running camp,its program now covers injury prevention, strength and conditioning workouts and running drills. Recently it also incorporated recovery and injury rehabilitation training needs of runners  all in preparation for the upcoming MILO MARATHON

Headed by no other than Coach Jim Saret and his team which composed of sports science trainers, running coaches and physical therapists, they offer full support for your training needs which will start on April 28 to July 27, 2014. That will be 36 sessions three times a week, every Tuesdays,Thursdays and Saturdays and where you only get to pay Php 2400. Running clinic venues will be held at SM MOA, Quezon City Circle and BGC 

Honestly if my schedule will allow it, I will not think twice in registering for this running clinic. So what do you think, Sidney ? 

So be ready to Run, Re Fuel and Re Energized this summer. Hurry and grab that chance to be trained by one of the best running schools in the country.

To register, please visit Coach Jim Saret's website at Please take time to like their page at as well.You could also go to pinoy for more updates.