Sunday, April 20, 2014

LIVE.LOVE.PARTY at SM Aura Premier

I am not really into parties. Call me anti social or a semi hermit, gray haired woman in her mid forties but I really do not enjoy socializing since I was a kid even during family gatherings. I could even recall those days when my Dad will find me in a corner, reading a book at my cousin's house during a family reunion. I have a  knack of alienating myself and I really do not why. I thought then it was the normal thing to do because I was never advised that it was not. And so I grew up thinking it was okay. Not that I am a recluse but through the years I have learned to choose the parties that I have attended where most of them were company Christmas parties and school reunions and I guess it was better that way. When the noise, smoke and booze gets too much, I really cannot find a good reason to stay in any party for that matter.

Lately there is a specific party that I look forward to but never got the opportunity to attend. Now these parties are not the usual events where you dress up, put on make up, make small talk and rub elbows with other party goers while drinking. On the contrary, it is not really appropriate to do that because you have to be in your work out gear with the right dancing shoes  due to the fact that a lot of dancing and sweating will take place, not to mention lots of hydration will also be needed ( as in alcohol not advisable ). Simply put, it is one party where you get to exercise and get fit while having a good time as well. I am referring to a Zumba party which I had dreamed of going to but never had the chance to do so.

Now this coming Sunday, April 27, 2014 at 10AM, another grand event will be held at Samsung Hall, SM Aura Premier at Bonifacio Global City  intended for Zumba enthusiasts like me. Presented by Karl Edward International , the LIVE. LOVE. PARTY Tropical Style will be headed by  Zumba Education Specialist Jarrod Tucker who hails from Newcastle, Australia and our very own Zin Madelle Paltu-Ob. Tickets will be at Php500 and if you want to take advantage of the early bird rate at Php400, you only have until April 25 to do so.

I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will be able to attend this time and even have my daughter tag along to take lots of pictures. Not only will it be a party where you get to dance but you also get to exercise those tired muscles from stress while having fun from it all. So if you have nothing else to do this weekend, come join and experience this awesome Zumba party this summer.


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