Sunday, April 6, 2014

A Collage of Health Heroes

Baby steps. Those tiny footprints unsure of where they're going as long as there are new places to explore. That was exactly how I felt when I started blogging more than two years ago. With no idea on what blogging was, I took the plunge as suggested by a fellow blogger whom I had met while auditioning for a game show. Since it took us a whole day for our names to be called for the preliminary screening, we did our best to kill the boredom by talking and learning from  each other as well. Sadly both of us did not make it and we said goodbye at the end of that long day. That was also the last time I saw her. 

Since then I started to write. It had been a long time that I had not written a post or even a simple journal entry which I used to do randomly so I was hesitant at first, knowing for sure that no one will read my stories. But that friend of mine told me that writing should not be done mainly so others will read it. It is a form of expression,  in fact a very effective one at that and it may be put to waste if left unused. And so I wrote stories, always from the heart , thus my first blog, "Not On My Own Anymore" was born.

Six months later I started drying up. At times I only wrote once a month and at times not at all. I was grasping for topics but I found none. Sure the inspiration was there because I continued to visit other blogs and join linky parties but at times I was not really sure. By the end of my first year I realized that there were other approaches to write posts. I started writing product reviews and events which I personalized so it will not appear like I just copy pasted everything. I also started sending my posts to other communities which sadly received more comments than that of my own blog posts.

A couple of months ago, I decided to make another blog which I named "Health Buff Mom of Seven "   which focuses on health and fitness. Since I am also a runner and a Zumba enthusiast, it will also feature running events and Zumba parties plus stories about inspiring people who chose to live a healthy lifestyle irrespective of the health challenges they have met in their lives. And since this blog of mine was new, I was kind of surprised when I got an email from the managing editor of American Recall Center, Dr. Mario Trucillo  to write a post for their March Community Cause Campaign ,  " Health Heroes ". He even added that there will also be a collage  of the bloggers' health heroes that will be featured in the community. 

Honestly all I wanted was to share my story but when I saw the collage I cannot help but feel proud that one of my favorite pictures was chosen because there was my Mom on it. Not only that, to say that we were the only two Filipinas in the collage made me even prouder because I now share the limelight with her.

I wonder how my Mom would react once she learned that she is becoming famous without her knowing it and without even trying too hard.

To all the staff of American Recall Center, thank you so much for choosing my humble blog and for liking my story . Blessings and more power !