Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Free Zumba Party Events In SM SUPERMALLS

A lot of people may be wondering how I get to spend the time and learn about the upcoming Zumba events especially the ones that are free. Resourcefulness, creativity and  discipline all played a big part in doing so simply because once you are passionate in a certain idea, a sport or what ever you believed in, you will always find ways to do it and even take the next step by inspiring others on how it all started and share what can be gained...

Monday, May 19, 2014

Celebrating Mother's Day At SM Aura Premier's MOMS LIVE.LOVE.PARTY

More than a week ago, my two daughters, Selena & Sidney have joined me  at SM Aura Premier in celebrating Mother's Day at the MOMS LIVE.LOVE.PARTY  which was a Zumba Fitness Party event dedicated not just for moms but for the other members of the family as well. We arrived at the SAMSUNG HALL before 10 am and the very pretty Zin Krisitie Bonifacio immediately met us before we got registered. Since she was busy...

Saturday, May 3, 2014


Mom, Mama, Mother. Inay, Nanay, Inang. Mudra, Mujay, Mader.  We all call them differently yet the meaning is but one and the same. It was one of the first words that we had been taught to say out loud, where the mere sound of it was rewarded by her kiss, her embrace that was not too tight to suffocate but just enough to comfort and forget one's pain and where the memories of childhood all come back again the minute we call her name. When...