Monday, April 21, 2014

MILO APEX Running School Season 8

Question. In your opinion is there a proper way on how to run ? Isn't running one of the basic things we have learned since childhood, like walking or standing, even sitting properly ? Fact of the matter is not everybody will agree or perhaps even aware that at times we tend to forget how to do it the right way. Like standing or even sitting for instance, we tend to slouch maybe because we are tired, just plain lazy or bored. Same thing when we...

Sunday, April 20, 2014

LIVE.LOVE.PARTY at SM Aura Premier

I am not really into parties. Call me anti social or a semi hermit, gray haired woman in her mid forties but I really do not enjoy socializing since I was a kid even during family gatherings. I could even recall those days when my Dad will find me in a corner, reading a book at my cousin's house during a family reunion. I have a  knack of alienating myself and I really do not why. I thought then it was the normal thing to do because I was never...

Saturday, April 19, 2014

The Choice To Live Healthy

I was born at a time when people walked more than taking the jeepney or the bus to get to their destination. I grew up in the province where cars and colored  TVs were rare and kids walked, ran and played on barefoot. Those were the days when life had been simple and people had ample time to get fit by simply walking everyday. In fact, I was one of those who chose to walk not just to save on money fare but to enjoy the scenery and clean air...

Sunday, April 6, 2014

A Collage of Health Heroes

Baby steps. Those tiny footprints unsure of where they're going as long as there are new places to explore. That was exactly how I felt when I started blogging more than two years ago. With no idea on what blogging was, I took the plunge as suggested by a fellow blogger whom I had met while auditioning for a game show. Since it took us a whole day for our names to be called for the preliminary screening, we did our best to kill the boredom by talking...