Sunday, June 12, 2016


Exactly a week after my first 32K race in Run United 2 2016 at SM MOA, I was invited by blogger friend Joy Mendiola of to join an event in celebrating the Global Wellness Day. Joy and I have been blogger friends for almost four years but never got the chance to meet because of our busy schedules. I did not think twice in accepting her invitation because that would mean we will finally get to meet in person plus we get to...

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Fiber Up to Beat Hypertension

I first heard the word hypertension from a friend four years ago who has it and was taking maintenance meds . When she learned that she was two years older than I am, she got curious and asked me what maintenance I was taking. Since hypertension and maintenance medicine were alien words to me at that time, I told her that I only took Ferrous Sulfate. I felt a bit stupid when she corrected me that Multi Vitamins & Ferrous Sulfate were not...